Mining engineering

Mining engineering

Mining engineering

Mining engineering is a technical field closely linked to the development of mining in our country since approx. 12th century. After millennia of monotonous simple work with a hammer, moyle, crowbar or similar tool, miners began to build machines to make their work easier and more efficient. These were mainly machines used in transporting material to mines and raw ore from the mine. The greatest explosion of constructing skills was applied in the development of water pumping machines, on which the fate of individual mines often depended. Also, the development of engines driving these pumping and transport machines was a big challenge for contemporary constructors. Gradually, from the use of animal power, water and steam power to electricity, mining engineering has undergone a long development to be an integral part of every mining work. Machinery enters the processes from geological exploration, excavation and mining, transport, ventilation and drainage till to the processing of extracted raw materials. Under the term of mining engineering, it must be imagine not only the development of these machines, but also their subsequent maintenance in difficult mining conditions.